I had a bit of a headache in the morning but it was gone by late afternoon, I feel more like me in the evening. We will see how bedtime goes.
I cannot wait for the Lurasidone to settle, going to bed feels a bit rough each nice I hope this doesn't last.
I went to bed with severe anxiety unrelated to the medication and it did not react together well. I felt quite bad and struggled to go to sleep.
January 29th 2024.
I woke up at 5am and couldn't go back to sleep for a while though I fell back asleep and woke at 8am. I felt very nauseous and my heart felt weird, like fluttery for a while but it's since improved at almost 10pm. Mentally and emotionally I feel fine, other than the upset I was from yesterday.
I had to take a gravol to combat unwellness and it's worked a bit but i feel kinda foggy.
Ive found I've gotten more sensitive to light, now that Ive increased the Lurasidone.
My unwellness was gone by the evening but I felt a bit gloomy though unrelated to the medication but that this poor sleep and med change didn't help.
I'm going to do my reporting but only until Wednesday morning, as it's been the same kind of day each day since I started the new dose Friday (feel unwell, struggle to go to bed, sleep weird, wake unwell, take a Gravol, feel better for a while, then unwell in time for bed.) I will update if anything more happens, if not I'll be back in two weeks.
January 30th 2024.
I cut back on bedtime sick feelings by eating with my medication, it wasnt perfect but it helped.
I slept better than I have since the increase of Lurasidone. I woke at 8am and didn't have an issue with sleep. Though I feel a bit unwell again this morning.
I wanted to note, I feel a little lighter emotionally, I'm still depressed but I feel a bit different; in a good way, despite how I've been feeling overall lately.
I've found Gravol has taken up my day to day and I hope in time I won't need it. I have used it often due to another condition, so use of it is not new but it's another medication I don't want to make routine. I don't want to need it, I feel crappy.
I took a Gravol but this time it's not working, I even tried to eat with it but to no avail.
I felt pretty rough until early evening, which sucked but I'm happy to feel a bit better.
Felt rough again later in the evening but I can't pinpoint why or what to do.
I realized a lot of me being unwell is not just side effects of the new dose but all of my meds together in a stew in my body haha, I take a total of 6 medications so something is bound to be wonky.
I found I feel better after eating dinner, food might be the thing that helps me.
I went to bed feeling less rough than lately, again with help from food.
January 31st 2024.
I slept well but woke a bit out of it, a bit unwell but not too bad. I could use a Gravol and some food to be safe.
I will be back in two weeks, or if something different happens, as again it's been dizzy, lightheaded, headache and nausea for a while now. Stay tuned for my update.
February 9th 2024.
This is my two week report, since the Lurasidone increase. I had the same symptoms off and on through my time away, which is not out of the ordinary. My sleep schedule is consistent again and I'm typically back to a good sleep. Mentally and emotionally I feel pretty good but I learned the importance of down days.
I'm taking another break from updating, maybe a month or two; unless something happens. If all is well or the same, that will likely be my last report for the foreseeable future.
February 25th 2024.
I was going to wait another month to make an update but I have found something a bit different. I find with this medication increase, it heightens my PMDD and while I have less depressive episodes, I have more gloomy periods of time, where I don't feel myself. I've dealt with this for a bit now, maybe a week, before, during and after my period. I'm blessed the depressive has lessened and the suicidal has lessened, I just don't like how I'm feeling now BUT I learned the importance of ALL of my emotions. During this time, I'm barely happy, barely smiling but I try to do things anyway that bring me joy, I try for me. Though I also find it's the winter and that does NOT help, on top of most of my gloominess comes during a specific time of day, I had this issue prior, the nighttime does this to me but since the Lurasidone increase, I feel it a bit more. I'm looking forward to the season change and for me to shake this feeling, lot's going on and to factor in.
March 6th 2024.
Today I finally feel really good, fort the first time in weeks, I finally feel a bit more like myself. I have yet to get giddy or have the return of my spark but I feel great and I had missed this.
March 8th 2024.
I stayed up late last night, as I like to do but I hadn't for weeks due to the change in Lurasidone. The night went fine medically but I did wake this morning feeling a bit out of sorts and unwell but less severe than I had experienced a few weeks ago. I don't feel too bad but I also found an increase in appetite, I could use breakfast which I don't often do this early.
The feelings of feeling myself and not feeling myself come and go, I'm no longer stuck in the gloomy state, the weird state, that I experienced recently. Today I feel a bit weird but that may be heightened by my change in sleep last night.
March 26th 2024
It's been 2 months since the increase in Lurasidone and I'm almost back to my usual self but I still struggle a bit with waking. I can't really report too much on my mental health as I was sick and mentally down for about a week, I'm just now getting back to myself a bit. I'm not back to my previous self but I'm improving and glad I can still be happy. I've spent my time doing things that bring me joy like, hanging with my loved ones, retail therapy, eating good foods, doing hobbies and doing good deeds. Not every day is up of course, I'm going through it but I'm improving. I thought I'd be happier coming out of my down week but I'm not, just happy it's over,
September 5th 2024.
The Lurasidone was helping me fall sleep for years but for a few days now I was getting bad anxiety with chest discomfort and struggling with falling asleep, from the moment I lied down till I pass out. I figured I am lying down too soon after taking my meds, so I decided last night to take my meds on time but lie down later, it helped my anxiety but I still struggled to fall asleep. I want to try this method for a week and report back, It seems my meds though still help me sleep well, just no longer help me fall asleep.
September 12th 2024.
I tried taking my medication on time but waiting to go to bed and it did not go well, it made me quite sick if I stayed up too late. I started with one hour but found half an hour was a bit smoother but still some nights I got sick, I found it depended on how tired I was at bedtime. So I have to treat each day differently, there's no method to this but that I cannot be up more than half an hour after meds.
January 22nd 2025.
For years I typically took my medication and went to bed at 11pm 6 days a week. Tonight I will try pushing it back an hour and try it for a week, seeing how my medication and sleep goes. I wanted to try this as I struggle with sleep anxiety and feel there's not enough hours in the waking day. I will return in a week to report back
January 29th 2025.
My week did not go well physically as I was left unwell by changing my schedule but I was happier, sadly happiness is not enough to continue as I had been but it was a good experiment. Tonight I return to my regular schedule.