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Monday 4 April 2016

Thirst Traps & Click-bait.

I thirst trap more than I click-bait. I mean a lot of people click-bait stuff that isn't even in the video or they take it
out of context in order to click-bait. I thirst trap by using Pewds advice "boobs in the thumbnail" It's kinda click-bait
but they will be in the video so it's not like a trick. I have obv. tho done some click-bait titles but not the usual
"BEST GAME EVER!" or "CRAZIEST NEWS STORY EVER READ!" but I would include as much hot topics and things that people
want to see, especially mentions of sexual content, people eat it up because as you know, sex sells. Speaking of that
I can admit I thirst trap so hard on my channel, I do use my gender and my looks for views. I don't feel I have any real
talents or skills, I'm also not funny or outgoing so I guess it helps to be a "pretty face" oddly enough though I am
pretty hard on myself and how I feel I look, I though feel I look good enough to show off for my channel.
Though, I am not like those other female Youtubers who click-bait and thirst trap at the same time for all their videos.
Like if they have click-bait title "STORY TIME, I FUCKED MY BEST FRIEND!" and their thumbnail is a photo of them and their best friend in a very sexually driven photo. I don't care if people do that for their channel, if it works
it works but for me I have a little moral I still hold onto and I wish I didn't because I want to get popular and make that money, even if it's scandalous, I mean I don't think Kim K is upset how she got famous, shes just happy shes famous.


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