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Wednesday 13 March 2019

Random Things That Bother Me.

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1. Most artists don't know how double negatives work.

2. The sound of stepping in the snow.

3. The feeling of cotton balls.

4. Odd numbers or number's not ending in a 0.

5. Different coloured socks.

6. When my glasses fog while I'm wearing a scarf or mask.

7. Ringing or vibrating in my ears.

8. I physically cannot blow my nose.

9. Fuckboys.

10. Repeating myself.

11. Inside out pockets.

12. The cold.

13. Hot flashes.

14. My mom's dog.

15. Wasting my time.

16. Things I've done.

17. Thing I didn't do.

18. When pasta is served unmixed with sauce.

19. Juggalos

20. People who only like one genre of music.

21. I don't often have an indoor voice.

22. Bullies and trolls.

23. Rape jokes.

24. Most chocolate foods.

25. How my eyes burn shut when it's bedtime.

26. I get burning cuts around my eyes when I cry.

27. My canine tooth that sticks out of my gums in the front.

28. People bringing up the past.

29. People from my past coming around.

30. My worst and second worst ex boyfriend's.

31. People who hide who they really are.

32. Tiny spoons with long handles.

33. People who approach my front door, potentially dangerous.

34. Barking.

35. When dogs scratch you when they wanna be pet.

36. Food that tastes bad, that I wasted my money on.

37. How it takes so long to cook but 2 seconds to eat.

38. My mental and physical illnesses.

39. People who do gauges in places other than their ears.

40. Being ignored or not listened to.

41. Intrusive thoughts.

42. My eyesight gets worse each year.

43. Teenagers.

44. YouTube's algorithm and how they do ads.

45. Having thin brittle nails.

46. I burn easily in the sun.

47. Weird food combinations.

48. My many phobias.

49. Twitter or Facebook footage that's traumatizing.

50. Children.

51. Bible thumpers

52. Trump supporters.

53. Pro-lifers.

54. Waiting for packages and they don't tell you when, so you sit around all day waiting for it.

55. People who are cocky.

56. Cheesy romantic stuff.

57. Pantyhose makes me red and itchy.

58. I can only lift 12-15lbs.

59. People mistake my green eyes for blue.

60. Brushing my hair, as it's painful to my scalp.

61. I can't run.

62. I've shrunk in height.

63. I have wide and almost flat feet so I can't wear high heels, walk/stand long periods.

64. My gums don't freeze properly and need more needles yet they hate needles.

65. Eating pizza crust last, unless with marinara sauce. (No I don't eat the pizza backwards from crust to tip, I eat the crust then I eat it tip to end.)

66. Over the ear or squishy in the ear headphones.

67. My 4 moles.

68. I'm both sides of the coin.

69. Littering.

70. I'm heavy lidded.

71. Video games with scorpions and spiders in them.

72. Games that constantly need to update.

73. DLC.

74. When someone creates a new social media account to bug me, knowing I blocked them.

75. My poor memory.

76. I get heartburn when I drink "too much".

77. I lost my nice singing voice when puberty hit.

78. Pranks.

79. When someone runs their mouth about something they know nothing of.

80. Hot and sour soup.

81. Needing to pass gas or burp.

82. The water.

83. My poor hand-eye coordination.

84. Unsolicited anything (pics, comments, opinions etc.)

85. The sound of someone scraping ice off their car.

86. People who try to force a sense of humour.

97. The cost of a bottle of booze.

88. I can't forget what I want to forget but I can't remember what I need to remember.

89. The awkward weather when one minute it's too hot for a coat and next minute it's too cold for a sweater.

90. The looks I get when I go into the liquor store.

91. Victim blaming.

92. Hard bristle toothbrushes.

93. How I paint or draw like a 3 year old.

94. Every thing I tried to have a talent in, failed.

95. I don't trust a single living soul.

96. I can't forgive or forget anything and I hold grudges.

97. I can't argue properly, I have to scream..

98. I can only drink maybe 3 kinds of water (not including tap).

99. Having to re-shave, I just wish hair I've shaven would stay gone.

100. Thinking I'm forgetting something.

101. The shape of my nose.

102. When things jiggle even slightly and don't stay plugged in (broken or faulty cords or usb ports).

103. Donuts filled with anything.

104. Foods that stink.

105. Foods that are too spicy to be good tasting.

106. Medical problems as a female.

107. The other me (I hate her).

108. Second-hand smoke (the reason I have a few problems now lol).

109. My short and light coloured lashes.

110. That annoying thing my one brow does.

111. Talent shows (I get crippling anxiety from second-hand embarrassment).

112. Movies.

113. Smoke detectors and car alarms.

114. Windchill and humidity.

115. English words I still struggle to spell.

116. Confrontation.

117. How it's hard to open medication packages knowing I'm too sick and weak to open them.

118. Long socks that are below the knee but longer than crew cut.

119. When you can't shake somebody you need to shake.

120. How expensive feminine products are.

121. How criminals never get the time they deserve.

123. People getting imprisoned over marijuana charges.

125. Bigots.

126. Any type of phobics.

130. People who don't know how to drive.

131. Roundabouts.

132. My hair.

133. The idea of marriage.

134. Pulp in orange juice.

135. My teeth.

136. My constant thought about death.

137. Un-shoveled sidewalks.

138. My learning disability, I struggle with retaining information.

139. My small upper lip.

140. How dry and cracked my lips usually are.

141. When people only hit me up when they need something or on their accord.

142. OLG commercials that I see multiples time a day every day.

143. Certain fads.

144. The unknown.

145. How impatient I am.

146. How posters curl off the walls in the middle of the night.

147. Deadbeats parents, knowing their children need help.

148. Medical personnel.

149. Needles.

150. Too much body hair.

151. Balls.

152. Certain smells (maple, gasoline etc).

153. I'm extremely fickle.

154. Rude customer service reps or secretaries.

155. Gross cheeses (blue cheese, goat cheese etc).

156. How impatient I am.

157. Scabs.

158. Those plastic clips for garter belts.

159. Certain fabrics (silk, velvet, latex and satin).

160. How I've never had a doctor who wasn't always running late.

161. When they use too big a speculum.

162. Little things that are off centered or seemingly "wrong".

163. I can't blow bubbles with gum.

164. I can't whistle.

165. I can't blow up balloons.

167. Pointless battles between things that don't matter (xbox vs playstation, darkskin vs lightskin, android vs apple etc.)

168. How the less fabric on lingerie the more expensive it is.

169. How sizing is all over the place and I wear a million different sizes.

170. People who go through many years of education to hate what they do so they take it out on others (doctors, nurses, teachers etc).

171. How white shoes never stay white.

172. How my teeth are too crowded together to floss properly.

173. How most lip balm makes my lips worse.

174. Snoring.

175. Bad habits (I or others do).

176. Bad or careless parents.

178. How children handle animals.

179. Hot drink.

180. How my pinkies stick out when I type.

182. Papercuts.

183. Having sharp dog hairs stuck in the bottom of your foot.

184. Feeling a hair in your throat.

185. How Snapchat has to notify me when someone is typing, knowing I don't care.

186. Public bathrooms.

187. How non-drowsy medication makes me still drowsy.

188. The banging cats make when they use the litter box.

189. Chores.

190. Carrying groceries home.

191. Small forks.

192. When people crack their knuckles.

193. People trying to force their lives or beliefs on you.

194. Picky eaters.

195. How often people misspell my last name.

196. How I can't un-clench my teeth when I sleep.

197. Acne.

198. Not being ambidextrous.

199. The smell of Value Village coat hangers.

200. Temperatures colder than 14C or more than 28C.

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