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Friday, 21 June 2024

My Salpingectomy Experience.

I am 30 years old and, yesterday June 11th 2024,  I had a Salpingectomy (removal of your fallopian tubes). Let's walk through the experience together. =

I had been battling pregnancy phobia for 10 years with ZERO desire to have children (not only due to the phobia and trauma but for medical and mental reasons). Even using different forms of both control I was mentally challenged by this phobia. I have ptsd due to 21 years of my past being sexually and otherwise traumatic. Over the years and into the present, I became scared to be sexually intimate and I became suicidal upon doing so. I saw a few therapists and nothing would ease me, I had other issues with intimacy on top of it that made love and relationships very difficult. 

So I had decided on sterilization, I was doing extensive research on the types of surgery I could get and this one best fit me.

A year ago in 2023, I told my family doctor I needed a referral for a new OBGYN, I had been on Reddit for a few years looking for a doctor, as my previous one refused to do the surgery. I found one on Reddit that was in my city and I put the referral in for him.

It took 1 year for the referral and I got the call from his office, my consultation was in 2 months, I was very scared but excited even for this portion. When the time came I saw the doctor I told him what I needed and he was amazing, he told me "you want it, you got it." So we booked the surgery for two months later. 

During that time I was not as scared but I did a lot of mental gymnastics, surgery is scary, recovery is scary but I was more excited than anything. 

A few days prior to surgery I picked up some prep items (Gas X, a pillow and cranberry juice) along with items I already had like Gravol and Tylenol. I then went for bloodwork to check sodium levels, potassium levels and blood count, that was it to my surprise.

Two days prior I stopped drinking alcohol and energy drinks. 

The day before I had a light healthy snack before bed then nothing else to eat, as I was to be fasting.

June 11th 2024.

The morning of, I was up at 5am to drink 2 cups of cranberry juice and take a shower, using unscented soap. Then at 7am I drank my final 2 cups of cranberry juice but I can admit drinking so much juice made me feel bad nausea. This was the time I started my documents but I should've done them a bit sooner, like earlier in the morning or the day before. 

I went to the hospital at 10am to be 2 hours early as instructed by my doctor.

I did registration and then waited to be called to my bed where I got changed, got pain pills, did my questionnaire with the first nurse and got my IV. If you've never had an IV it is worse than getting bloodwork or vaccines. This was my second IV and it wasn't as bad this time as the first time but this second nurse struggled to get it the first time, poking me twice.

From there I went to pee then to another waiting room. It was 2pm at this point, an hour later than my scheduled appointment. I went pee again and then here I met the anesthesiologist where he gave me the run down of the anesthesia and any warnings. Then a third nurse asked me questions again and this is where we were accompanied by a fourth nurse to the operation room.

There I met my doctor, many other nurses and the anesthesiologist again, I lied on the bed for the run down and my doctor confirmed with me one last time if I wanted to go ahead with the surgery, of course I said yes.

They put an ogygen mask on me where I was struggling to breathe honestly but shortly after I was given the anesthesia and off to sleep I went.

When woken I was in horrible lower abdominal pain an easy 8.5/10 or so, I kept squirming like a fish which the nurses didn't like but I couldn't control my body. I then was given something for the pain and off we were to rest.

I had to hold my pee for an hour as instructed by my final nurse and I was throwing up from the anesthesia, not a lot but it was rough. I was given something for the nausea.

I was given disposable underwear which were cute and a pad for any vaginal bleeding (mine was very minimal at this time) and then I was let go to the bathroom. I was quick to wrap up with this final nurse as walking and peeing are what let you go home, so I was given recovery info and let go.

I wanted to note my doctor gave me a prescription for Oxycodone and it cost me $22. 

I took a cab home (with my pillow on my stomach) where I felt nauseous again but was no longer throwing up, despite me not doing well in cabs; I sadly spent the whole day nauseous. 

I got home and took a nap for a few hours then woke up to go for a light walk. My nurse told me I have to often move my body even in a lying position if I'm too sick to get up, this prevents blood clots. 

I did not experience as much pain as I anticipated and the worst was over.To describe the pain, it was abdominal cramping and cramping in my back and shoulders, as well as teeth discomfort and a headache.

June 12th 2034.

My first night's sleep was a bit rough, I had to keep getting up to pee and reposition my body. The pain at this point was about a 4.5/5 and I needed to take my medication twice.

My stomach and legs were warm and pink for a while, I was told this was normal. I was also bloated, which is also normal. 

I had not eaten anything since the day before surgery but was finally able to enjoy some jello later in the day, I had to keep the jello down before I could have soft but solid food.

I had a bit of gas pain in my shoulder off and on and bloating, most of my pain was in my belly button or along the round parts of my stomach. Alongside pain and bloating, my stomach was very pink and from my stomach down was quite warm, not like feverish just warm.

24 hours after surgery you're to remove your bandages (leaving on the steri-strips) and you can take a shower or at least rinse. I was only able to get one off as I almost passed out and threw up, due to an existing condition mixed with being hungry, on meds, in pain and healing etc. I had to wait to finish removing the bandages the next day. The steri-strips are to fall off in 7 to 10 days, as said by the nurse.

I found taking off the belly button bandage I was less pink, sore and warm bodied like I mentioned, I'm not sure why that is but I'm grateful.

I did well with the jello so I finished the night with a bowl of plain rice, I felt a bit better already.

June 13th 2024.

Slept better this second night, I slept mostly on my back which I hate but it's not too bad, it just gave me chest discomfort. I don't recall if I woke at all in the night, that's how well I guess I slept. I had pain mostly when I got up and most of my pain was in my hip bones but still my stomach was tender of course. I also did not need to get up for any medication in the night, which shocked me. 

The oxycodone made me feel not a good high but I'm just exhausted, I couldn't keep my eyes open and I felt faint. I might need to scale it back to 1 pill instead of 2.

All of my bandages are off, only the belly button one hurt but again I felt so faint but I survived and didn't manage to crack my head open on the sink haha. The steri-strips stay on and will come off on their own in 6 to 10 days, according to the nurse.

I had to stop taking the Oxycodone, they were making me feel terrible, my body and other meds did not like it.

I experienced a bit of dark blood and mucus, I couldn't tell which hole it came from but it was dark brown. I did not have this after the surgery or yesterday but the nurse said the bleeding was expected. 

I hadnt had a bowel movement since Monday and the nurse stated I'd be constipated which I hadn't had the urge to even go. I only had jello and rice from the day prior.

I managed to eat soup and I was proud of myself. I still had not had a bowel movement.

I had counted I passed gas 56 times (over the course of my recovery).

I aimed to eat mashed potatoes the next day, as well as continuing jello and rice.

June 14th 2024.

Woke once in the night at 3:30am, to pee and take more pain meds. Didn't fall back asleep till 6am and woke again at 8am.

My back had hurt from dancing the night before and sleeping on my back, I'm normally a side sleeper but it's not good for my incisions, the night before I slept wrong that's why I slept so good haha, tonight my body was fighting me to turn over. I miss sleeping on my side.

Used my stomach pillow for my back to sleep. I had hoped it would help. It made it worse, I had to take it out. 

Had to go through body trauma to avoid much worse body trauma. I feel great in the grand scheme, even if I don't feel good right now. 

Someone asked me how I'm doing mentally, that's important too. I don't doubt I did the right thing, this surgery has saved me. Thank you to my doctor and the medical staff that made this possible. Also can't forget God, for guiding me through this, it's gone smoother than I imagined. Thank you for blessing me. Amen. 

I already had eczema on my lips but this surgery dried them out so bad. 

My stomach sounded like fireworks, it was also uncomfortable when it did, my stomach of course is upset. 

I wanted to note that I haven't had a dream in days, I sleep each night with no dreams.

Due to my surgery I had been constipated for 3 days unable to go, I finally went yay! I was making progress. It was painful but I was happy to do it.

Got my appetite back and it came back in sweats and lightheadedness. I was craving more food, so I had some rice chips with my jello.

I wanted to try sleeping with a pillow under my side tonight and see how it goes tomorrow.

My hip bones and tummy were sore and my tummy made upset sounds but nothing too bad, the Tylenol, Gas X and Gravol I took had been helping. 

I was bleeding a bit more vaginally but still very minimal.

I had mashed potatoes and green beans for dinner, my tummy was tired for a while as this was the most food I had eaten since surgery.

At 10pm I was almost starving, I was scouring the house for snacks, I enjoyed some chocolate and an ice cream bar. Mind you I am now full of food and have not had a bowel movement since this morning. I had hoped for the best tomorrow.

June 15th 2024.

I slept a lot better with the pillow under my side but my back was still killing me, I think I spent too much time on my back again just out of fear of my poor incisions. I also did not wake in the night and had my first dream in days. 

I had a mug cake for breakfast.

I no longer was constipated, I now had diarrhea, likely from all the food I ate on top of tummy trauma.

I had a coughing fit that hurt so bad, nothing like coughing after surgery. 

The rice I had for breakfast helped quite a bit with the diarrhea. 

For lunch I had steamed carrots and for dinner I had a wrap and a croissant, my stomach was so angry about this and the diarrhea returned.

I had went for quite the walk to get dinner yesterday and I felt rough but the weather was lovely.

I had gotten more excited about my surgery, each time I thought about it I got more giddy. I felt great overall even if I was rough right now.

June 16th 2024.

I slept pretty well but I felt unwell, a little nauseated and dizzy but less pain and my back was better than the nights prior. 

I am back to dreaming, it's pretty neat.

Today had gotten worse, I felt more sick and nauseous, I over did it on the food the last two days. I'm upset and my stomach was so upset even after the jello I had.

It got worse after lunch when I had soup, I got bananas and had rice for dinner, this would hopefully help the diarrhea and it did.

My diet had changed so much during this time and I was barely eating, I missed good foods. I found myself hungry and upset. Still I did not regret the surgery, I was just feeling down at this time.

My belly button felt like it was being pulled from the inside, very strange and sore.

June 17th 2024.

My stomach was fine after the rough lunch I had yesterday, I hope we can keep it up and return to regular food soon.

I slept well and had a good dream, though I woke sore and felt unwell. 

Gravol was no longer helping me, I couldn't shake the slight nausea and lightheadedness.

Had a bowel movement that was not diarrhea, I was not often going but I was happy when I did.

The day was the most successful I had since the surgery but I did have a little unwellness and pain. 

June 18th 2024.

My body ached but because I was in bed for 6 days other than the one trip I took outside for dinner and a walk I took. 

My body also ached because I had lost weight, I again planned to weigh myself after my safe foods were over, I was curious to see what happened during recovery.

I finally returned to my desk and tomorrow I would return to work. 

I had not had stomach rot for a while now and I was happy, I was interested in trying soup again and seeing what happened, I was tired of safe foods. 

I felt overall a bit unwell still but better than lately. Lightheadedness, feeling a little faint and seeing stars. The stars may be from various things but I wanted to note I experienced them.

The soup went well and I was eager to try regular food again but going slow, I was considering a little snack tonight or tomorrow morning, I wanted to start light and have a peanut butter cracker. 

The peanut butter crackers went well and I was going to try a chicken salad sandwich tomorrow.

June 19th 2024 

I had been feeling better as the days went on but I was still a bit unwell and a little sore.

One of my lower abdominal steri-strips came today, the area was so itchy and a little sore but the incision was very small.

Had half of my sandwich for breakfast, I felt a bit icky eating it but my stomach so far was fine.

I had the sandwich for lunch and it went well, alongside a rice Krispy square and a few strawberry marshmallows. My stomach seemed happy with all of it.

I finally had another bowel movement, which was great news but it was a light green, indicating there was bile.

The second steri-strip is now off, there was one remaining.

It was too hot to cook a meal, so I ordered take out, I got a hot dog and poutine. Yes it's not the meal I should've been having so soon, so I prayed for the best for my stomach, so far so good.

The meal went well, I think my stomach was back to normal foods but I was still having a lot less bowel movements and I was digesting food a lot slower since before the surgery. Mind you I also have IBS and previously I was digesting most of my food very quickly. I went from going after often with an upset stomach, to now going every 2/3 days or so and my stomach being happier.

June 20th 2024.

Woke feeling sore in my back and stomach but pain improved once I had another bowel movement. This one was light brown, indicating either now lack of bile or inflammation, which makes sense my bowels would absolutely be inflamed after the surgery. Mind you my bowel movements prior to the green yesterday were regular in colour but this current colour change from green to brown is hopefully good and that I would be back to a regular healthy bowel movement soon. I was surprised I even had one soon after the last one but that is very good news.

June 21st 2024.

Not much to report on I was feeling pretty good just waiting for my final steri-strip to come off.

I wanted to say this recovery had been easier than I imagined and I have had worse sicknesses and worse pain.

Had another bowel movement, still light brown but brown nonetheless. 

My pre surgery weight was 137lbs, I weighed myself today and I was now 133lbs. 

My final steri-strip fell off tonight. I had a new belly button, My belly button felt strange like someone was poking it but I was okay and ultimately happy to be back to myself.

It's been a wild ride, thanks for taking it with me.

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