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Monday 15 January 2018

Revive. Charcoal Under-Eye Patches Review.

I have a problem with under-eye bags or with swelling and just overall tired and redness under my eyes. I had decided to try out these under-eye patches. I have tried cucumbers and those don't do anything really haha. I will be doing three days and at the third day I will give my final review. I know not all of these products work or work magic right away but I will be doing 3 days for you guys.

Day 1:

Instructions: They were easy to follow but upon first application I put the first one on wrong hahaha! I quickly fixed it and I was good to go. The photo suggested both sides were black, the side facing out is white but cannot be removed it seemed. It doesn’t affect anything just doesn’t look just like the photo that’s all. They smell nice and clean like wet wipes.

Wait half an hour: It feels weird on my face, especially weird to my eyelashes. I tried to continue to do my work but blinking felt so odd. When the package says relax for 30 min I suggest you do that, relax and probably keep your eyes closed. I feel pressure on my face and it feels odd. I have never done something like this before besides cucumbers haha.

Upon removal: The skin is smooth and the redness has gone down a tiny bit but closer to the inner eye is still red and the under eye is still dark. I did not assume on first use it would completely rid me of my under eye bags but I like it thus far. I should have done it earlier in the day as the lighting in the before and after photos are different. It still feels like I’m wearing them, it’s odd. As my skin feels tighter in that area, more firm. I am looking forward to trying it again tomorrow.

Here are my before and after (sorry the lighting is different in each photo I did this at sundown...mistakes were made lol):

So this last photo is my eyes about 2-3 hours after removal of the under-eye patches. It continues to reduce the puffiness and bags, I am pleased thus far. The weird feeling has gone away under the eye I physically feel smoother under eye skin. The one eye looks better than the other eye but they both look better and feel better than I had started with. I am looking forward even more now, to how tomorrow will go.

Day 2:

Here is a photo of the morning after first application.

As you can see my under-eye bags have gotten a little better, in the mirror as apposed to in a photo, it looks a lot better but a lot of the puffiness and darkness has gone. You cannot tell in the photo but I have little to no redness under-eye. I am thrilled about that. I will be testing it out for a second day this afternoon.

Day 2: 

Second application: struggled again to place them correctly, I struggled with both sides this time haha. I think after time you’ll either continue screwing up or get the hang of them. Luckily they are easy to remove and re-position. If you do it quickly. 

Set timer for 30 minutes: cold and sticky as usual. My eyes water, as I put them too close to my lash line. Oh well. This time it feels more weird to close my eyes than the first time, where keeping them open was the weird part. 

Removal: My under eye bags are almost gone. I cannot believe the difference. I still have the under eye bags in the area right under the eye but that’s likely due to me fidgeting with them and moving them around too much before the 30 minute resting period. I cannot wait for day 3. After day 3 I will rate them and tell you if I would purchase again.

Day 3:

Application: Went smoothly, I applied it properly and had no issues. They really do become easier with practice.

Wait 30 minutes: My eyelashes didn't like it, it became so uncomfortable to my lower lashes. I didn't take a photo of the application this time or the timer I set, it's the same process each time.

Removal: Well my under-eye seemingly didn't get any better, it's still red and dark. It seems two days in a row is the cut off limit. After the second day I recommend doing them just when needed. The package doesn't state how often you need to do them but from my results two days in a row is quite enough. I no longer see results and I'm kinda bummed, like I do seem a little change but not the change I was hoping for. I wanted all the redness and darkness to be gone. Oh well, they aren't magic patches but I do feel overall they did work as they should and the results overall are so pleasing. I will continue to buy them but now I know what works for my face and what doesn't so I can apply what's best for my face. It's important with any brand, to read the label; some states once a week and some don't have any specific timing. I do recommend these for sure, they are easy to apply and work well.

Here are my last before and after shots. I decided this time to go for another angle besides my usual front profile, just to capture the results from a different view.

As you can see the darkness area has shrunken but not much else has changed. I am displeased by the third and final day but as I mentioned, it's likely due to over-use or something. I am happy though with the day two results, those are what keep me on this product for the future.

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