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Friday 6 September 2019

Delissio. 3 Meat Calzone Review.

I am not one for calzones or panzerottis but I thought I'd try this out for review.

This came with two calzones and two marinara sauces. The box says grande calzone but these are only the size of my hand, I though don't know why I'm surprised because of the size of the box but I was surprised. The calzone itsself wasn't great, it tasted as you'd suspect a frozen food to taste but the marinara sauce was delicious and nicely spiced. I will stick to my other handheld foods like Pizza Pops. I think this needed more meat though and I always hate the dry empty ends of a calzone.

Again I loved the marinara sauce and I wish I could buy this on its own. I rate it 5/5 but I just wish there was more of it. The calzone itself I didn't care much for as I mentioned and I rate it 2.5/5 it's not really THAT bad but I didn't wanna give it a 3.


  1. I just had to post a comment as I just ate these and was looking at reviews, you like the sauce? The Calszone was bad, the sauce was an ABOMINATION!it tastes like tomato flavoured maple syrup...

    1. I loved the sauce but maybe I'm just trash hahaha and like trashy things :). Ya I do agree though the calzone was bad.
