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Thursday 28 May 2020

Veet. Natural Inspirations. Hair Removal Cream Review.

Note: if you have a problem with female underarm hair you will hate this review.

I have purchased this hair removal cream because shaving is a nightmare, so I wanted to try this out for review. I have once before tried Nair but its smells so bad you could throw up, so grabbing this one I prayed it smelled better.

This is my underarm before using the product:

I followed the direction to apply a thick coating of cream on the area:

The bottle says to wait 5 minutes then try to remove a small portion of hair, if it doesn't easily come off wait another 5 minutes. I personally needed the full 10 minutes.

This is the look of the removal:

This is my underarm after removal was complete:

Over 95% of hair has been removed, I wasn''t thrilled as there was still hair but it was mostly gone so I was happy about that.

I then did the second arm, repeating the application and 10 minute waiting time process.

This is the second underarm result:

Less hair had been removed than the first one and I was a bit more displeased.

One thing to mention is the product smells good in the bottle but after using and removing it, it stinks not as bad as the Nair but still stinks.

An hour or two after removal, my first underarm has already grown back a tiny bit of hair and the second underarm has grown back a bit more, they are certainly uneven but still the majority of hair is gone from both.

I felt this process was a bit of a headache almost nightmare, I wonder if I need to try again or do it multiple times to see better results. I overall don't recommend this product unless you have very short hair but the smell kills it for me and how quick it starts growing back, I rate it 2.5/5 but I do plan to continue using it as I don't want to toss 12 bucks.

Note: I don't know if it's related but I may have developed more skin tags after using the product...uh oh.

Update it's been almost two weeks since using the product and my hair has barely grown since my initial hair growth, I find that impressive. I think I will be changing my review to 3/5 as that is very impressive.

Update it's been three weeks since using the product and my hair is slowly growing again, Im so shocked and pleased it with how infrequently I needed this.

UPDATE: I am at the end of the tube, I dont use it often but it had gotten really bad, my body HATES this cream. I get skin tags or bumps and one of my arms this last time has mildly what appears to be bruised. They state if the hair doesnt come off on first swipe or you have a lot of hair to leave it for full 10 minutes instead of just 5, it doesnt work for me either way, something is wrong. I leave it 5 minutes and the hair wont come off, I leave it for 10 the hair comes off but my skin HATES it..... my rating has changed to 1/5.

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